Thanks, guys. The feedback is greatly appreciated.

by Paul ⌂, Friday, October 17, 2014, 10:01 (3631 days ago) @ Paul

One of the older members of our local gun club has offered me his 1100, time will tell if it goes through or not. He's in very bad health and currently the Army is requiring all paperwork be done in person in the nation's capitol. Unless the national shooting federation steps in to help, there's no way to do the legal transfer. Then there's the matter of cost, he's offering it below market cost for similar shotguns, but still over $1,000 more than I can scratch together right now. If it's in decent shape it'd be a great deal (for HERE). Time, as they say, will tell. We'll see what the federation has to say about it and then I'll see if he can give me time to pay it off (or his heirs, perhaps - he's really bad off physically)

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