by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Thursday, October 16, 2014, 13:37 (3632 days ago)

What are the ins & outs of these meals? I know nothing about them.

They're a lot better than they used to be

by mcassill, Thursday, October 16, 2014, 13:46 (3632 days ago) @ Creeker

IIRC they are about 3,000 calories per pack. You get a main course and side items, along with condiments. Coffee, sugar, etc. Last I knew there were about a dozen menus, some better than others. Caveat: I haven't touched one since 2006.

My knowledge is a little newer

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Thursday, October 16, 2014, 14:46 (3632 days ago) @ Creeker

They have an extremely long shelf life if you can keep them in a place where the temp never gets higher than the mid 70s.

They are an adequate emergency meal if you can consume all the items packed.
They are made to be higher in carbohydrates than protein, or fat.
The problem is, I've never seen anyone actually eat, or drink ALL the items contained in one.

The crackers are OK.
The peanut butter is good too.
The soft bread products are ok, but take getting used to.
The fruits are no longer freeze dried (actually I liked them that way) but wet packed, and are ok
Some, not all, have different kinds of commercial candy (Charms/M&Ms/Tootsie Rolls) included, you take your pick and take your chances

Any cheese spread product has been too weird to me to use.
The drink mixes (past the instant tea or coffee) are also too weird to my taste.
The jellies are usually already separating in the pack so are useless as well.

These unused items account for a large part of the calories in a MRE

Some of the main meal items leave a lot to be desired, but Uncle changes about 1/2 of them out each year. What you may find is what is currently packed, if you buy new ones. Thank God that they started to include Tabasco sauce about 10 years ago!

Since Uncle doesn't allow the 'real deal' MRE to be sold on the open retail market, past some found in on base commissaries, what you get are 'made up' to look like MREs and supposedly have some real MRE items.
They may be ok, but do not have all the items packed in an actual MRE.

MREs are a good thing to have in limited quantity for emergency or short term use.
Uncle really doesn't want them used as the only food item for any length of time.
You could also use them for charity use if some starving person comes by looking for a handout or to 'work for a meal'.

I would have them in very limited quantity, maybe a case or two, if you are going to have to pay for them as they are very high cost per meal as compared to anything else.

Actually some people just buy the main meal and side dish packs alone.

If I'm getting them for free, I'll never pass one up, but if I'm paying for them, I'd save that money and stock up on your usual diet canned goods and other shelf stable items at the store.

My knowledge is a little newer

by bob, Thursday, October 16, 2014, 15:16 (3632 days ago) @ Miles

Gotta agree with Miles, I've tried them and returned to off the shelf canned goods. As an aging diabetic I find the carb count too high, as well as the salt; I prefer little green cans of "C" rations, but then I'm an old fart. Also have tried some freeze dried stuff, decent taste, easy to pack but you need a water source and water is heavy.
If you're really interested in commercial MREs' have a look at The EpiCenter down in Orygun.

So, are you finding C-rats anywhere?

by Otony, Thursday, October 16, 2014, 15:24 (3632 days ago) @ bob

The only ones I can find are "boutique rats" made up for guys who do re-enactment. Can't find reasonably priced supplies anyplace.

I know you ate 'em "professionally" but I scarfed quite a few from surplus stores for camping/woods bumming as a yute. Most were palatable, a few were nasty.


So, are you finding C-rats anywhere?

by bob, Friday, October 17, 2014, 00:10 (3631 days ago) @ Otony


Varied results IMO.

by cas, Thursday, October 16, 2014, 18:56 (3632 days ago) @ Creeker

I eat a few cases of them in the early-mid 90's. They were out of date and I guess being thrown away, someone I knew brought them home from a guard weekend. Even past there extremely long shelf life, they were still pretty good. There was only one thing that turned. Most of the entrees weren't bad at all, some pretty dang good. The extras where great in most, orange pound cake and maple walnut loaf. Peanut butter or apple jelly on crackers. I had a couple cases and eat them as regular meals now and then until they were gone.

In the early mid 2000's I bought some commercial copies. I was really disappointed that all the extras weren't included. (no salt pepper, matches, gun, tabasco (pretty sure my 80's-90's ones had it Miles) coffee, no little plastic spoon, I don't even think it had a powdered drink mix. I was really let down. And when I tried the food itself, I was really let down. I tried to eat a couple and gave some away. They were just awful.

The last match I shot at West Point I was given one as a meal, but didn't eat it on the range, I took it home instead. I was curious what they were like now days so I opened it. Contents were still not as good as the old ones and the food wasn't particularly good.
I've heard a few people say they've improved over the years, but that certainly isn't my limited experience.

When they first came out in the 80s...

by mcassill, Thursday, October 16, 2014, 23:11 (3631 days ago) @ cas

they were downright awful. Dried pork and beef patties that were the same consistency as dog food, with little packets of dehydrated ketchup. They got better in a hurry after the rear-echelon people had to eat them when they deployed for Desert Shield/Desert Storm. IIRC that's about when they started putting in the little bottles of Tabasco as well.

and somehow my mind had blocked until now...

by mcassill, Friday, October 17, 2014, 10:19 (3631 days ago) @ mcassill

the memory of the hot dogs that came in a little packet in the early ones. Tasted like they were packed in formaldehyde. Simply hideous.

4 Fingers of Death.

by Miles ⌂, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Friday, October 17, 2014, 13:29 (3631 days ago) @ mcassill

The one dehydrated thing I actually did like was the pears.


by cas, Friday, October 17, 2014, 17:25 (3631 days ago) @ mcassill

That was the one thing that had "turned". Or maybe they always smelled that bad.

On the commercial ones, 15 years later I can still taste the tuna casserole and the chicken a la king. The memory still make me retch a little and want to go scrape my tongue.

Thanks guys. I have no experience so thus the question

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Thursday, October 16, 2014, 19:07 (3632 days ago) @ Creeker


Mountain House or just shop at grocery store for ready to

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, October 16, 2014, 21:20 (3631 days ago) @ Creeker

go meals. Yoder's canned meats are decent.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

The foil packet salmon and chicken have a great shelf life

by stonewalrus, Thursday, October 16, 2014, 22:59 (3631 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Of course you can never have enough jars of peanut butter at our house. It has a great shelf life too.


by Remington40x @, SE PA, Friday, October 17, 2014, 10:55 (3631 days ago) @ Creeker

FWIW, my brother, a career Army officer, used to refer to MREs as "Three lies in a pouch." I don't think he liked them much.

"Meal, Rejected by Ethiopians"

by mcassill, Friday, October 17, 2014, 19:29 (3630 days ago) @ Remington40x



by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Sunday, October 19, 2014, 15:51 (3629 days ago) @ mcassill


Meals Ready to Evacuate

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Saturday, October 18, 2014, 15:56 (3630 days ago) @ Remington40x

For two days or so in the field I preferred to take Meals Already Eaten.



Used them for 25 years

by Bob Hatfield @, Saturday, October 18, 2014, 04:43 (3630 days ago) @ Creeker

and have watched them develop over the years. Mostly hunting or fishing. And like Miles states didn't eat the whole thing for sure. I always liked the chicken meals whether it be "ala king" or some kind of chicken casserole.
I always have one or two in the pickup truck along with a blanket and coffee making stuff for when I'm snowed in a traffic jam or something.

One thing neat about an MRE is that they are like a "Pig in the Poke" You don't now what your getting and sometimes yours surprised and say "Dang that was good"
(Sometimes that is).

They are filling. I usually get mine at Hillsville Va. flea market as surplus and eventually throw some away before they are used up as I can never figure out the date codes on the dirty things

The whole thing adds too much weight and bulk to my kit while hunting so I open theme and pick out what I like and leave the rest.

The crackers and peanut butter or OK. The cheese spread will flavor the crackers to make them go down better.

I ate one at the house I'm building last Saturday. Didn't feel like wasting time at McDonalds. It was "Cheese Tortellini" and wasn't bad but it was in the truck for several years and then again I'm the type that eats Sardines at work while everyone else is chomping down on good food so I call it sustenance.


Thanks Bob

by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Saturday, October 18, 2014, 09:26 (3630 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield


Used them for 25 years

by Paul ⌂, Saturday, October 18, 2014, 10:54 (3630 days ago) @ Bob Hatfield

It sounds like asking you about "good food" is like asking me if the coffee's too strong, the road is decent or the food is spicy... :-D

3 foods I dont eat (Cottage Cheese, Liver, Buttermilk)ntxt

by Bob Hatfield @, Saturday, October 18, 2014, 14:29 (3630 days ago) @ Paul



by Paul ⌂, Sunday, October 19, 2014, 20:38 (3628 days ago) @ Creeker

Here's a little something one of my cousins (active duty US Army) just shared...



by Creeker @, Hardwoods, Monday, October 20, 2014, 08:55 (3628 days ago) @ Paul

:-) :-) :-) :-)

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