Overcast, cool day.......

by Otony, Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 11:01 (3634 days ago)

.........and we are going to butcher turkeys. Got the burner set up with a 40 quart pot for scalding water. Got the knife and cleaver sharpened. Got cats to watch closely, make sure we are doing it right.

We butchered the smallest bird on Sunday as a trial run. Darned if she isn't bigger than ANY turkey I've ever bought. Now our biggest bird I honestly don't think would fit in the oven. We will cut it down into portions. Gonna deep fry one bird this Thanksgiving, which will be our first stab at that method. Also going to smoke one. We have nine all together, so we can play around a bit. Next year I'll raise a dozen.

Also bought two pigs a week ago. Both are at the butcher now. Mmmmm, pig, the Delight of Allah!


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