Cold Steel Bowie Machete

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, October 11, 2014, 22:37 (3636 days ago)

I recently ordered a couple of Cold Steel Bowie Machetes. This the current variety with the 12" blade and for 20 buck a pop, they are a hell of a lot of knife. It came with the sharpest point I have ever seen on a knife of any size... touch your finger to it and a drop of blood follows immediately. The edge got clean-shaving sharp with a few passes of a ceramic rod and light stropping. It is light and fast in the hand. I'm no knife wizard but within a few minutes I had thrown a 3x3 sticky note in the air and halved it with a backhand slash.

I originally bought these as throwers and intended to cut the 'toe' off the grip to facilitate the reverse-grip that I use for throwing bowie-pattern knives. I may still do that but the knife can be thrown edge-first as is. I got deep, solid and near-silent sticks from 8 paces in an old Paradise tree. If you hit a man or animal with it from a good throw, you'll bury it in him. It is easily capable of the cutting shown in the company video.


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