Shootin Pistols for Leftys

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Friday, October 10, 2014, 18:12 (3638 days ago) @ bob

What I am going to suggest is baed on the fact that left eye vision does not preclude you sighting with that eye.

Holding the pistol as you would to shoot right handed, right eye.

Move the pistol over to line up with the left eye and sight on the target

Dry fire like this first to get over the weird feeling.

Load 4-5 rounds in 4-5 magazines and fire slowly with great deliberation.

Determine it it is muscle/eyes/sighting memory you could build with practice.

If so dry firing between range sessions is your friend.

If it doe not work for you do what I do, shoot right handed and live with lower level of precision.

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