Any tips for annealing cases?

by bmize, Thursday, October 09, 2014, 16:50 (3639 days ago) @ uncowboy

Yes, I did not mean glowing red, but just as it starts to turn. Just starting to turn color in a dark room is much different than in a well lit room.
I'm using a Bench Source and I set it up to just start to turn color as it is moving out of the flame. This varies from piece to piece as it ages. I set it up and sometimes have to back it down or increase timw 1/4 sec as it runs.
Usually the flame off the tip of the case starts getting a green hue to it just before the brass turns.
I've been using this method for a few years now and it works fine for me. I've got cases I've annealed 12-15 times and still going strong.


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