Attn: Residents of Nashville

by Catoosa, Tuesday, October 07, 2014, 11:19 (3641 days ago) @ Hoot

Hoot, your buddy won't be the only yankee refugee around here. Some even came during "de wah" and never left. We have "galvanized" most of them to where you can hardly tell they ain't from around here.

Stonewalrus is from Missouri, and one of his ancestors fit on the yankee side. That feller and my great grandpa may have even shot at each other at Chickamauga - as near as we can figure they were in about the same place on the second day, on opposite sides of the battle line. Don't matter none now - me and Stonewalrus is best buddies.

Hoot are you and Miss Melodie going to come to CSA in Alabama? If so, I will pass on some contact info for your friend.


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