In the days of dump pouches, sure.

by cas, Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 20:30 (3648 days ago) @ Rob Leahy
edited by cas, Tuesday, September 30, 2014, 20:35

"The grabbing of another loaded handgun is dramatically faster than changing magazines or fumbling with a speed loader."

Ive read this a hundred times and I've even watched people try and prove it, but I'm still not a believer.

I watched one just two days ago... and yes, his horrible, painfully slow, ""tacticaool" 12 step program" reload was slower than dropping gun #1 and pulling a second full sized gun #2 from a second IWB holster positioned right behind holster #1.

Forgetting the impracticality of that whole carry setup, if you can reload even slightly well, it should be a lot faster.

I'm not arguing the usefulness of a backup/second gun, but there's no way you can convince me dropping the primary and going to what's probably a smaller, less effective (either is stopping power, capacity or just the ability to hit with it) gun, that's probably not somewhere that will allow for a speed draw, is better and/or faster than a reload. Talking service sized semi's here of course, not revolvers.

(and what happens when the snub revolver is empty? Hands and knees looking for the SIG you dropped, to reload it like you should have done the first time? ;-) )

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