by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Saturday, September 27, 2014, 19:24 (3651 days ago) @ rob

I really enjoy mine. Back when in 1995 when I bought it there was no such firearm like the ranch rifle. Maybe the Model 7 Remington. Not sure why I did not go for it(maybe the price) but I am very happy with the Ruger. Its a great walk around rifle. You mentioned CZ. I have the 452 American in 22 rimfire. I sent a 2X7 Luepold back to the factory to have the paralax set for 22 L.R. and put in a Timney trigger and it is the most accurate rimfire I have ever shot. Many years ago a friend had an Anschuts(spelling?) that was not any more accurate then the CZ. I am sure you would be pleased with it.

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