I went to pick up my new Ruger Single 7 in 327 today...

by JD, Western Washington, Saturday, September 20, 2014, 20:42 (3658 days ago)

My dealer dealer called yesterday to tell me that my Ruger Single 7 in 327 was in, so I headed down to pick it up today.... Big disappointment...

Taking it out of the box and examining it, I found numerous flaws including:

Barrel / cylinder gap was .005 at the bottom and .015 at the top :-(
The grip frame, on the left side of the trigger guard, was VERY rough as cast metal that had never been cleaned up
One of the grip screw was beyond buggered up.... Bubba did a good job on this one!!!
The left side of the top strap had numerous crescent marks, I assume from the punch Bubba used when he drove in the rear sight pin.
The grips were up to 1/10" undersized from the grip frame in places. Looked like hell.....
Grip frame had lots of really sharp rough edges
Very poor polishing. Uneven and inconsistant.

I could deal with all of it myself except the barrel / cylinder gap; that's a deal breaker.... It's too bad because I was really excited about getting this to go with my other Ruger Single Sixes in 32 Mag.

So instead of coming home with me, this one is on its' way back to Lipseyes. No way that this one should have ever left the factory. I hope the next one shows a little more quality.....

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