Louis, have you seen/shot Tom's M&P Compact?

by RidinLou, Middle TN, Friday, September 19, 2014, 17:26 (3659 days ago) @ Catoosa

I saw it, but do not remember shooting it. In fact if he does not forget to bring it, he is supposed to test something on it tomorrow.

Gotta remember as a wheelgun guy, I have problems with safeties. I can forget to put them on, or take them off, both can create an issue.

TCP is point and clicker so I am used to that idea. 3 inches of trigger pull (smooth and steady all the way) keeps it safe.

That said, either I will get to try one tomorrow at Nashville Armory/S&W try before you buy or I will order a PT92 Stainless next week.

I bought a pot load of 115 grain FMJs just before the last panic in anticipation of lowering myself to a nine MM and have about 5-6 gallons of brass . . . soooooo

A 9MM of some ilk is in my future.

I hope they will let me play in their raindeer games at Dickson with 9MM. They may laugh, but I am in it for the practice under different conditions.

Still have real guns beginning with a 4 for other activities

Well and the 380 that I actually ever carry.

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