My wife's cancer has returned

by Scribe, Friday, September 12, 2014, 07:31 (3666 days ago)

In 2012, both me and Babs had cancer -- hers was Stage I invasive breast cancer that was treated with a partial mastectomy and radiation.

It has returned as MBC -- metatastic breast cancer located in the bones of her upper spine, lower left ribs and right hip. Inoperable, incurable. For the rest of her life she has to get treatment to slow down its progress -- hormone shots and radiation now. Chemo will be the last resort.

The problem is, MBC eventually learns how to defeat the medicines and then the doctors have to figure out another way to fight it. And so forth and so on. A friend and neighbor of ours had MBC and lasted only four months before it migrated to her brain, lungs and liver, killing her.

September was supposed to have been a great month -- my birthday was on the 8th, Jilly the Kid started her first real job in DC, and on the 20th I will be cancer-free for two years (Stage III naso-pharyngeal cancer).

A scan shows that Babs is clear of the disease in those areas right now.

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