" do you feel safe in your home?" is one they ask me at my

by cable, Sunday, September 07, 2014, 16:19 (3671 days ago) @ MR

every three weeks infusion.......we all laugh at it, but once a fill-in nurse, quite old, sweet, doddy,etc. asked me and of course i answered in a quavery little voice " No. " so she asked me to tell her about it and what i do about it and i said ' well, i have a 45 auto, a 357, a 22 , and a couple of 40 smith and wessons next to me, and three flashlights, several knifes, a 12 gauge, and an AR15 all right next to the bed"
and she said very sincerely, is there anything else we could do to help.....my reply was " could you get me a rottweiler? I might feel better with a rottweiler there too" but at that point i couldn't help laughing and she finally said....." i am not sure you are serious"

now if they don't ask me , i complain and pout until they ask. :-D

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