Good stuff.

by JLF @, Sunday, September 07, 2014, 14:15 (3671 days ago) @ Byron

I would never dream of trying to stay with the young folks on that level, but I do know what it takes, and I commend you for the work you put in every day to stay that fit. Myself, I'm content, and quite satisfied with outsmarting them, and I am very good at that.:-D

Allow me the pretention of reporting back to you from much farther down the road, so to speak. My date is march 3rd, 1996. 18 years and counting. I remember the 4th year, and it was tough. What you keep with you, however, is that it is not as tough as the 3rd, which was not as tough as the 2nd. That is *all* you have, but it will prove out in the coming years to be enough. A thinking, reasoning mind will simply not allow you to stop progressing, processing, and healing, and you have shown to be more than well equipped in that department. It *never* goes away, but you will reach a point where that is a good thing, to be treasured, instead of a source of pain to be dealt with. Even after 4 years, the *only* way to endure is still, left foot, right foot, tick-tock tick-tock.


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