Everything is in short supply here in the Denver area

by Fowler, Friday, September 05, 2014, 17:17 (3673 days ago) @ Art

I would buy 3 or 4 8lb jugs of W231 if I could find any that wasn't feeding some greedy bastard selling high. I am down to 1/2 pound of W231 from 12 pounds I had here 3 years or so ago. I grabbed 5lbs of 700X that a buddy sold me the other day so I had something fairly close to shoot while I look around for more.

Brian Pearce had a good article on different powders you can get to make standard 45 colt ammo with, he listed 25 or so powders that would push a 255gr cast bullet from his USFA at 865fps. I found that to be really good information to know, you have to be versitile and figure out how to make whatever you can find work until supply's get back to something closer to normal.

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