Pray for us sinners...

by Byron, Friday, September 05, 2014, 16:33 (3673 days ago)

As many know my beloved eldest daughter Caitlyn was killed four years ago at 8:30 in the morning on 6 September..

In memory of her energy and personal power I have signed up and will begin a GoRuck Tough tonight at 2100.

This is a 20 mile 9 to 12 hour obstacle course through the heart of Kansas City. Lots of deep cold water, mud, hills and log PT. There will be about 15 other nuts who think they are tough enough. Cadre is all SF or Recon. All will be late twenty's early thirty's hard ass men (2 hard ass women). I am 61.

I am hopeful that this will help move me past some of the PTSD that has haunted me these past four years.

Have one for me tonight at give me a little shove.

Will report back.


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