7.62 Tokarev for Bob Hatfield

by Bob Hatfield @, Friday, September 05, 2014, 14:22 (3673 days ago) @ Hoot

Thanks Hoot but don't go out of your way and cause yourself heartburn or worry. I tried the 90 grain XTP and AA-7 today and it was wonderfully accurate but slow at around 1250 fps. I was using 8.3 grains and it shot to the point of aim at 25 yards. Didn't have near the muzzle blast that H-110 had and was more consistent in grouping. I am going to try somewhere around 12 grains of 2400 next time out.

The more I shoot the CZ the better it feels. But I am trying to figure out what it is good for. I will take it along when groundhog hunting as soon as I practice on small bottles out to a hundred yard. I am now hanging a tarp to the right of me at the range to stop the brass from going into orbit.


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