So what did you think about Militec?

by rob @, Tuesday, September 02, 2014, 22:23 (3676 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

I love the stuff. I have a small bottle they sent me as a sample years ago and I swore I'd buy more when I ran out. I'm getting lasts forever. I've only used it for action parts (hammers, sears, etc.). When I get a new gun I degrease the action parts and only use Militec for a few hundred rounds. It just gets slicker and slicker. Great stuff. I don't know if I'd lube slide rails or that kind of thing with it though. It would be great for eliminating friction but it's thin stuff and sure wouldn't add any anti-battering least that's always been my unprofessional opinion. Curious what you think after the class.

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