Glock 30 Impressions...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Friday, August 29, 2014, 20:54 (3680 days ago)
edited by Sarge, Sunday, August 31, 2014, 10:59

After about a month of steady shooting (maybe 600 rounds) with the Model 30 I can offer a couple of observations.

It is reliable. It is accurate for the platform. Ejection is well over the right shoulder with brass cased ammo. It shoots well with steel case ammo but will ding you on the noggin occasionally with those.

The trigger has worn in to 'just OK' with the factory connector and trigger spring... has a little more creep in the 2nd stage than what I like (edited to add: even on a Glock). Pull with factory components is just over 6 pounds. I've run it with a Ghost 3.5 connector and the factory spring; produced a decent trigger of about 4 pounds. Ran it with a NY-1 and the 3.5 connector; heavy take-up with about a 6 pound trigger. I've had an issued G22 with the NY-1 and shot it pretty well but I don't like it on the 30. Believe I'm going to polish the contact surfaces between the stock trigger bar & connector and just call it good.

If Glock had asked my input on this model prior to offering it, it would have had a Gen 2, G23 length grip on it... might have worked out to 11 rounds, whatever. I don't have huge hands but I find the 30's grip just short enough to be mildly annoying. Life is full of compromises and the 30 is a good enough little 45 that I can certainly adapt to its grip.

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