Weapon mounted lights are bullet magnets.....

by Byron, Thursday, August 28, 2014, 12:33 (3681 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Clip a light on an airsoft gun and go out into the backyard and shoot it out with a training partner.

You will get shot a lot, mostly around the hands. No bueno for Byron.

I have been rethinking a lot of this stuff over the past couple of years.

When things go bump in the night....

Think night vision and armor.

Stats are that one is 85% less likely to die in a gunfight if they are wearing body armor. That is an advantage that should not be ignored.

For $2000 one can acquire kit that will sway the equation to the point that the VAST majority of criminals will have utterly no chance whatsoever. Fish in a barrel.

While this advantage might be considered to be cold blooded murder by some there can be no question that it will work like a charm.


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