Marlin transmogrified...

by Paul ⌂, Saturday, August 23, 2014, 18:02 (3686 days ago) @ MS

Nice looking Marlin. :-D

As for the pics, to the right of the pic where it says "direct", click there. This copies the direct link to the picture to your computer's clipboard. Now, to the right of your text entry space here on the forum, click where it says "image" (the button) then on "default" and a dialog box pops up. "http://" will be highlighted by default, just use Control V (ctrl + v) to paste the code into that dialog box, now click "OK" and it will paste right where you had the cursor last. Repeat for as many pictures as you plan to post, complete your text and then post as normal. Use "Preview" prior to posting to make sure it all got in there OK and the pics show up like they should.

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