If these kids would have followed that advice ...

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Friday, August 22, 2014, 17:23 (3687 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

... They might still be alive ... http://americanthinker.com/2014/08/beaten_to_death_at_mcdonalds.html

To the four clean-cut college freshman out on a double date, it had seemed like a typical McDonald's: spanking clean, well-lighted, and safe. It was in a good neighborhood too, right next to Texas A&M University in College Station -- a campus known for its friendly atmosphere and official down-home greeting: “howdy.”

Shortly after 2 A.M. that Sunday, they pulled into the parking lot of so-called “University McDonald's” and beheld a scene unlike anything portrayed in all those wholesome McDonald's television commercials. Before them, hundreds of young black males were loitering about, some without shirts.

Other local residents -- the more cynical and world-weary, both whites and most blacks -- would have taken one look at the crowd and driven off, dismissing many of the young and posturing black males as thugs. But not them: innocent white kids from the suburbs. They presumed this was post-racial America -- and that they were in an easy-going college town.

Twenty minutes later, two of them were dead.

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