my wife and I went 13 years ago

by bj @, Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 20:02 (3690 days ago) @ Creeker

and we're going back in a few weeks.

We flew into Boston and drove north. On that trip we went about as far as Newcastle. On this upcoming trip we are going to Acadia and back. I've looked up a list of lighthouses to visit, I've found a couple of museums, and even some schooners you can go out on for short sailing trips. Plus I love seafood.

There are some big cities and I understand that many areas can be crowded in summer, but there are lots of small towns and rural areas, and it shouldn't be as busy in the fall. Looking through some of the small towns it strikes me that there are many areas that are very quaint and scenic. I've also found some interesting harbors to visite.

And just east of Bucks Harbor is the Camden/Rockland/Rockport/Owls Head area. Many of the big schooners are in that area as well as a few lighthouses, and some of those harbors are supposed to be the most scenic.

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