Prayer request...

by rob @, Friday, August 08, 2014, 15:32 (3701 days ago)

My wife has worked for UPS for several years and recently got her foot in the door as a full time driver. However, you loose all your seniority when you switch over from management to hourly. She recently got her own route (not very common for this short a time period!) and she loves it. Problem is they are transferring about 32 drivers from DFW to McKinney. Considering we are about 40 miles south east of the airport and McKinney is more than double the drive through what would be very bad traffic when she'd be on the road, we would almost have to move to McKinney if they transfer her and short of a miracle she's gonna get transferred. I don't want to drive that far either, really don't want to relocate or find a new job. They are really moving fast on this and some tough decisions will have to be made in about two to three weeks. I don't know what all this is eventually gonna look like but some prayers for wisdom and ultimately God's will being done would sure be appreciated.

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