Please buy a copy of American Sniper

by Otony, Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 17:06 (3710 days ago)
edited by Otony, Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 17:39

Support the Kyle family in their time of need.....again.


Jesse Ventura, you are a chicken-sh!t puta

Does he really want to tick off a bunch of Navy Seals?

by stonewalrus, Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 17:17 (3710 days ago) @ Otony

Can't believe the fools on the jury would do that to the widow of a National hero.

Ha! Just ordered a copy this morning...

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 18:15 (3710 days ago) @ Otony

Don't forget American Gun by him. It's a great book as well. We all know Ventura is a POS I hope the publicity will earn his family way more than what they have to give Ventura.

and American on Facebook is putting...

by mcassill, Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 18:26 (3710 days ago) @ Slow Hand

together a doozy of a raffle to benefit the Kyle family. Several guns, cases of ammo for each, and probably more to be added.

I ordered as well!

by Otony, Wednesday, July 30, 2014, 18:28 (3710 days ago) @ Slow Hand

Bought the Kindle edition AND a paperback version.


Already read the book....

by woody, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 04:53 (3709 days ago) @ Otony

Very good book. Another good one is Fearless about Adam Brown. Also a navy seal killed in action that we the wrong path at when he was younger and turned his slice right around.

late to the party

by uncowboy, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 05:11 (3709 days ago) @ woody

what is up with this story? what lawsuit and why?

In his book, American Sniper Chris Kyle alledged that "Scruf

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 10:53 (3709 days ago) @ uncowboy

Face" stated at a Wake for Fallen SEAL Mike Murphy, "Maybe Some SEALS deserve to die." At which point Kyle allegedly decked him. Ventura, seems to think this in someway tarnished his shining image in the public's eye. He sued Chris Kyle after the book was released. After Kyle was murdered, Ventura announced that he would continue with the lawsuit against the estate, suing Kyle's Widow and children...He sued for 8 mil jury took 6 days to come up with under one third of that amount... I am sure it will be appealed I am also sure that Ventura has pissed off the entire SEAL/VET/Human community...Many of us have donated money and /or bought additional copies of American Sniper to help support A fallen hero's family.
Read more here:

Of the Troops & For the Troops

One thing about it. My two year old copy

by MR, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 07:12 (3709 days ago) @ Otony

will always have the passage in it where Jesse gets the Ventura knocked out of him by Chris Kyle. And I do intend to re-read it regularly. I did donate $25 to the widow yesterday. I expect a letter from Ventura demanding a like amount.

There's more than a couple Minnesotans...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 09:38 (3709 days ago) @ Otony

who'd like to vote him off the island.

There's more than a couple Minnesotans...

by Drago, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 15:49 (3709 days ago) @ Hoot

I dunno. These are the same people who sent Al Franken to the U.S. Senate.:-(


by cubrock, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 15:53 (3709 days ago) @ Drago

and with pretty good circumstantial evidence that manufactured votes put him over the top.

Still, that left a whole lot of the state having legitimately voted for that wingnut.


by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 16:06 (3709 days ago) @ cubrock

And the biggest single reason I can't wait to see this state in my rearview mirror for the last time.

There's more than a couple Minnesotans...

by JonF @, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 21:07 (3709 days ago) @ Drago

I did not vote for him. In talking to some who did, he was simply the least ridiculous clown to get out of the car that year. Poor justification, but we have some lulus up here, left and right.

JonF, aka bpjon with login issues.

No dog in the fight.....

by Byron, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 10:31 (3709 days ago) @ Otony

Still the whole deal is fishy.

During the trial it became clear that Chris's veracity regarding this situation was clearly lacking.

Prior to being killed he admitted that some of his statements about "Scruff Face" were exaggerations or even untrue.

Prior to the suit Jesse indicated he would be happy with a retraction and apology but Chris refused so Jesse proceeded with the lawsuit. At the time it was considered to be showboating and without a chance of success...what jury would find in favor of a blowhard washed out politician over a handsome, charismatic real deal war hero.

In the end the jury believed Jesse's eye witness's and evidence more than they believed Chris's and found for Jesse.

The settlement will not come out of the widow's bank account but instead will be payed by the publisher and liability insurance. The question remains if Jesse will even attempt to collect the settlement however all the lawyers will get paid one way or another.

The issue that troubles me is that while I feel that Jesse was within his rights to go after Chris, the family should have been considered completely off limits.

The final result is everyone knows that Chris lied and Jesse is a jerk.


Well said!

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 10:55 (3709 days ago) @ Byron

succinct and to the point.

Of the Troops & For the Troops

No dog in the fight.....

by John K., Thursday, July 31, 2014, 11:16 (3709 days ago) @ Byron

My take also. I can understand Jesse wanting to clear his name if it were not true. The editor is probably thinking "this is why you don't go on record with names unless you have definite proof."

Bottom line, whether it happened or not, Chris should have never named "scruff-face".

The money settlement looks really, really bad. But the lawyers have to get paid.

As usual, everybody except the lawyers lose.

Well said, indeed.....

by Otony, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 11:26 (3709 days ago) @ Byron disgust has to do with the fact that Ventura chose to pursue the widow. He may well be in the right (and it would appear that he is) regarding his defamation, but he has now successfully smeared his reputation in the eyes of the public, the very thing he was concerned Kyle had done.


Executor of the Estate is substituted.

by Wildcat, Flint Hills of Kansas, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 17:43 (3709 days ago) @ Otony

The executor or administrator of an estate is substituted when a party dies during a lawsuit. I believe this case was filed long before Kyle's untimely death. It's simply procedure to substitute in both Federal and State Courts. We should also keep in mind that due to Ventura's status as a public figure, the burden of proof on him was considerably heightened. I deal with juries quite often and firmly believe in our system of justice. In my experience, most jurors take their oath seriously and follow the law as instructed by the Court. There are occasions when I'd like to argue they should be allowed a nullification instruction, but I'll leave that soapbox argument for another day.

I'm no lawyer.....

by Otony, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 18:10 (3709 days ago) @ Wildcat

......and I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn last night.

In my head, I know you and Byron are completely correct. In my heart.....well.

On the face of things, it appears that Ventura offered Kyle the opportunity to get out of this without going to court. It also appears that while the event may not have occurred exactly as told by Kyle, other people present at the time found Ventura offensive and boorish. I think the consensus may have been he "needed a whupping" even if he didn't get one, and the sea story began there....

Unfortunately, both men's egos are/were such that a compromise couldn't be found. Should Kyle have retracted? Yes. But having said that, I think it was incumbent of Ventura to have continued to pursue an alternative solution, rather than drag a grieving woman to court. Yes, she is the representative of the estate, but she is still the widow of a murdered man. Some compassion could have gone a long way, and yet it still ended up in court.

To me that shows a man whose single-minded pursuit of his "reputation" was more important than, oh, um, his reputation. Because to his dying day, he will be remembered as the guy that dragged a woman into court to finish off an argument with her dead husband over whose d**k was bigger, right or wrong.


Insurance covers all?

by Otony, Thursday, July 31, 2014, 18:53 (3709 days ago) @ Wildcat

"But attorney John Borger, who represented Kyle in her capacity as executor of Chris Kyle’s estate, said Tuesday that insurance won’t cover everything. He said it will cover the $500,000 awarded for defamation, but not the $1.3 million for unjust enrichment.

“All of that comes directly from money that Taya and Chris received from royalties or whatever assets the estate may have,” he said.
Borger also asserted that under the law, the $1.3 million part of the jury’s award is only advisory and the final determination will be up to U.S. District Judge Richard Kyle, no relation to the author. He also said they will be considering all their legal options “in the days and week to come,” including a possible appeal."


And IIRC a lot of the book money was going to go...

by cas, Friday, August 01, 2014, 16:48 (3708 days ago) @ Otony charities, they just hadn't nailed down which before he was killed. So he's not only hurting the widow and children, but countless others.

What is important to me is that he doesn't CARE...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Friday, August 01, 2014, 18:15 (3708 days ago) @ cas

... not about widows, wounded warriors, only about himself.

I've been called lots of things, I'm sure stories have been told about me and some by blow-hards of the first order. I am long past caring. The one that should know the truth does and that's all that matters to me. I am silly and still naive enough to think that should be good enough for everyone.

It isn't as if Kyle tried to infect Ventura and his family with TB or Ebola... As to income, well crap, Ventura was a PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER, i.e. spreader of bull feces. He should be able to use the "notoriety" of the mention as great PR to make money and instead he does this which is harming his rep far more than anything Chris Kyle ever said about him.



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