This may be a record...

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Sunday, July 27, 2014, 18:13 (3713 days ago)

I picked up an M92 AK pistol a few months back with intent to file a form 1 and turn it into an SBR. Well, I wanted to shoot it first to make sure it would function before investing $200 in a stamp along with other money to make it 922r compliant. While I was waiting to shoot it, atf cancelled the eForms site meaning I'd be back to submitting a paper form that would take 8-12 months. I have it a little bit and finally got an email saying that F1's were back available online. I submitted one that afternoon and a short 3 1/2 weeks later I had an approved Form 1!

I hadn't expected it to be so quick so I had t worried about getting the reciever engraved. I ended up trading some kydex work to a local guy who can electrochemically etch metal. I got it back today and proceeded to fit the stock to it. I think it's a right handy little rifle. I can't wait to see how it shoots now with a stock. It sure handles easy!!





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