Looking for sportbook dealer to purchase large collection

by John Meeker @, United States, Sunday, July 27, 2014, 16:21 (3713 days ago)

Nope, not a dang thing for pistol shooters. Posting here, JIC anyone has a favorite dealer that handles collections. Mine here in town is deceased,and no one has stepped in, but bone-pickers at estate sales.

It's about 11-12 beer-crates full of reference and historical books on muzzleloading, fine guns, double barrels and makers, gun-making etc... spent several days researching highs and lows and conditions -- a very modest retail average come out to more than 10,000 for the collection [optimum price is easily double that]-- a wholesale buy would be priced accordingly. in NW Ohio.

Will be able to provide list to interested parties, but because it is an estate asset and must be resolved, it has to be one lot.

Also, a complete Doublegun Journal collection including the desirable index issues -- around 800.00 and shipping there. Retail around 1200.

The usual hangout -- and it may be referred -- marshgrrl aht gee-mail daht kom.


OH, BTW...let him know my commission will be a 4" SS Ruger Security .357 in high condition. seems that they are habit forming. ;~`)

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