
by Byron, Thursday, July 24, 2014, 13:08 (3716 days ago)

Considering my age and habits, I continue to be amazed my children are turning out OK in spite of me.

Everything the older two touched seemed to turn to gold and the twins are following right along in the their footprints of a quest for excellence.


Thomas was selected by both his peers and cadre to be the Cadet of the Year in a JROTC program with 400 cadets this year.


Grace rocked the JROTC National Drill Team Summer Camp in College Station TX. Unheard of for a freshman to be selected as "The Best" in multiple events.


The twins have both committed to attending Annapolis together after high school and becoming USMC officers. That is a long tough row to hoe but I guess if anybody could do it, these bulldogs can.

Bear with me over the next few years, please. Its hard to imagine that they are only 15. Caitlyn is so proud of her little brother and sister.


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