wear on Glocks?... Yep

by Miles Fortis ⌂ @, CIVITATES AMERICAE, Thursday, July 03, 2014, 22:11 (3738 days ago) @ bj2

.40 in a G22 and especially in a G23 is very hard on the gun. And 9mm NATO M882 in a G19 is pretty hard on them as well.

The HQ armorers at a certain unnamable unit using G22s said that .40 "chews the hell out of the Glock".

Of course, when spare part's budget is unlimited and cyclic coding out guns for replacement is also a standard practice, that fact doesn't really matter to them.

I'm out of the loop now I'm retired, so I haven't a clue what Uncle is looking for in a new pistola, but, even with the wear issue noted above, .40 is one of the calibers definitely being looked at.

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