No Joke

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Thursday, July 03, 2014, 10:55 (3738 days ago) @ Art

For the longest time, when I had very little coin in my pocket, that Accusport Bisley was my go to sixgun for pretty much everything. The only thing I never cared for was the narrow Bisley hammer, but it sure shot good. I will be brutally honest here, I love my FA454, and have no buyers remorse, but it does not shoot any better groups than my Ruger 454 did, and the Ruger was less finicky about ammunition, and I think the cylinder was longer so I didn't have to worry about bullet jump as much as I do now. Having said that, I will say, that I feel the FA will outlast a Ruger if both are fed a steady diet of true 454 loads, and I do feel that if I were so inclined, I could certainly get more velocity out of an FA due to the sheer strength, but I will never sell the Ruger short. In 3500 rounds through mine before I traded it off in a moment of utter stupidity, it had just begin to get a bit more endshake and side to side wobble, but it had zero effect on the accuracy. The only thing about the Ruger that annoyed me, was the fact that I could not use Little Gun powder in it, I would catch burning kernels in the face every time, only sixgun I have owned that I had that problem with, and only that powder. Funny thing about the Accusport Bisley, it will chamber a 454 cartridge loaded with a 415gr bullet.

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