Good springer

by Paul ⌂, Wednesday, July 02, 2014, 21:18 (3739 days ago) @ Art

Hey Art, the one in the picture is quite quiet. BUT it is an old target rifle that Rich Hoch cut down for his grandkids, then passed it on to me when my kids were small. As a target rifle it is low powered and therefore fairly quiet. Had it bounce a pellet of a cat's ribs one time (mangy, scrawny stray that refused to vacate the premises - until the pellet bounced off) so there's not much hope for hunting with it, at least not anything larger than a sparrow. On the other hand, I violated the "don't shoot at anything you don't want to destroy" by thinking about how it had bounced off the ribs of that one cat - so I used it on a black cat on the back fence in the shadow at night. After all, it was just a "non-lethal deterrent" - wasn't it? That was the money shot, if I had any idea where I hit that cat. Pole axed him right there and I've NO idea what I hit. But I digress.

If you're looking for a "good, cheap, quiet" air rifle, take a look at a Gamo Whisper with a nitro-piston.

Here's another, cheaper option.

If I lived up there I'd be looking real hard at the Benjamin Discovery or Marauder. They are PCP, can be VERY accurate and the Marauder comes with a built in shroud that lowers the report to very low, you can get a "lead dust cover" (or make one your self) for the Discovery that makes it "back yard friendly".

A good place to hang out and learn about air rifles and such is the Gateway To Airguns. There's something for everyone over there. :)

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