got sucked in...know that letter and verse...

by John Meeker @, United States, Saturday, June 28, 2014, 14:45 (3743 days ago) @ Hobie

No, I didn't know they made a .22lr until they were mentioned on The Enablers' Sixshooter Board... I have a difficult time cozying up to the current DA tactical compact concealables, that are so popular. I did try the smallest Smif', a very well-spoken of 9-semi. Just didn't get any affection from my nervous system. Figure that maybe I am imprinted with my early exposure to single-stack, SA, safety-loaded & clicked guns. Have the obligatory Glock-9 for 'the go kit', along with an AR setup. shot 'em enough to know where the sight, triggers, and magazines are.

On the CCW front, tho, I regress to hammerless Smiths, which is not approved and warranted for the full-time purpose. So, a flat little 9 with seven shots, that comes to hand is familiar feeling has some attraction. In fact, I'm off to The Gander this after noon with the Chessies to look over the Sigs. A three handed sale-trade-buy deal among some local loony friends, could result in scratching the itch. have to work fast, tho. Specific itch's tend to have definite life expectancy, in the potato chip bag of 'need'. And, no: the little Smith's stay....and are in my will to a couple of young gunnie nieces.

OH...did you say "sucked in"? All ten minutes of this, and fun too boot.

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