When Psychopaths ---- truly are an occurrence...

by John Meeker @, United States, Sunday, June 22, 2014, 20:20 (3749 days ago) @ stonewalrus

..and even a moderate case of sociopath-y in a co-worker of boss, can sour a 'work unit'. The problem does not yield to reason, for the offender is not based in commercial values and rewards. Nor does one wish to get into that 'handball court', and compete in that 'game'. I believe the amount and virulence of this malady, really rose rapidly when MBA's sorta got devalued and were declared the necessary 'paper', in order to 'pre-document' competence on the job -- and to grab a rung on the ladder of success.

Not to denigrate those with good business ed, and have thriven on that knowledge -- but it didn't take all that long to see the less talented degree-holders, turn the paper into "It's Your Fault I Am Wrong."

Not that an MBA was ever necessary for a certain kind a fraudulent aggressive behavior, but it sort of put a polish and legitimacy on it.. JMHO....it's just that not all, but good many of the 'paths, seemed to love Dat Ol' Diploma.. However, the very worst truly functional psychos, have so many braids in their rope, that only a good hanging would be an appropriate cure.

Sigh...sometimes I wish there was a 'defense' called "The SOB deserved it. Now bury the sod, and let's move on."

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