The gottohaveit bug...

by Charles, Friday, June 13, 2014, 17:13 (3758 days ago)

Starting in about 1958 I was bitten with the gottohaveit bug and wanted more and more and more guns. It seemed that the next one would be the one that would make me happy and satisfied. The fever broke about 40 years later and wised up. I drew up a list of what I wanted to keep and the few I sold I wish I had back. I sold and traded and ended up with everything I wanted based on a half century of experience.

I still have quite a few guns, but less than half I once did. I am not trying to wear them out shooting them. I don't have enough years left to even make a small dent in that task, but I am having lots of fun.

I know that one well!

by Glen, Friday, June 13, 2014, 17:38 (3758 days ago) @ Charles

I bought a lot of guns over the years, and for a while there, when I got paid, I got another gun. I don't buy very many guns anymore (and I've given away more guns as gifts these last couple of years, than I have bought). Now my task is to really dive in and learn how to load and cast for them -- to truly ENJOY them.


by MR, Friday, June 13, 2014, 18:18 (3758 days ago) @ Charles

I've haven't completely taken the cure, but it takes it takes something very specific and not just the latest and greatest to make the list. For the overwhelmingly most part, if I ever wanted one, I have had it. If it was all it was cracked up to be, I still have it.

well put ! i have been on a similar track:

by cable, Saturday, June 14, 2014, 12:55 (3757 days ago) @ MR

as you said "If it was all it was cracked up to be, I still have it."

that says it for me. quite a lot of things i wanted, weren't all that great once i had off they went. the rest are still with me.

i guess it is a bit juvenile --- wanting guns you dreamed of as a youngster-- and finally getting them. but i am happy pursuing this and many of them are now treasured items to pass on....... some of them i have even bought duplicates and gone ahead and given them to my son and others.

I find....

by rob @, Friday, June 13, 2014, 18:38 (3758 days ago) @ Charles

that the more firearms I have the less I enjoy them. I'm really trying to minimize down to what I know I will use the most and truly want the most. I'm getting pretty close. It's easy to manage and enjoy a few...quality over quantity. "Buy em both" sounds fun but it rarely satisfies or solves a problem.

I am there myselfThe gottohaveit bug...

by uncowboy, Friday, June 13, 2014, 19:26 (3758 days ago) @ Charles

I am there myself. I have way too many and not enough time. I was planning an early retirement and I would go through them one at a time and hunt them and move them on to fund loading the next one. Well no retirement in my lifetime so I really must start thinning the herd. Problem is I hate selling guns. Dam good at buying but not good at selling. J.Michael

I am there myselfThe gottohaveit bug...

by Drago, Friday, June 13, 2014, 23:47 (3758 days ago) @ uncowboy

I'm there with you brother.

The gottohaveit bug...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Friday, June 13, 2014, 19:39 (3758 days ago) @ Charles

I have pared down quite a bit and ain't sorry.

The gottohaveit bug...

by Cherokee @, Medina, Ohio, Friday, June 13, 2014, 22:11 (3758 days ago) @ Charles

I have weeded out some guns, others have an emotional appeal, and some are for collectors' but values are a little depressed right now. I am buying new guns too to meet new needs. Some of the older guns I can't shoot as well any more but they are hard to part with after 30 to 40 years.

The gottohaveit bug...

by Fivegunner @, LOWELL Mi., Saturday, June 14, 2014, 04:16 (3758 days ago) @ Charles

I know what you mean, I have way to many firearms, But I want a few more!! I am going though the Glock fase now. next one will be a 30s .45acp. :-) :usa:

I will leave them to my step grandsons IF

by Bob Hatfield @, Saturday, June 14, 2014, 06:56 (3757 days ago) @ Charles

When they reach their 20's they are successful and what I define as a good young man. If they turn out as idiots, I'll sell the guns and spend the money.

I do like to leave enough guns out of the safe that if a burglar did happen to break into the house while I'm gone he will feel satisfied and leave with a few polk stock shotguns, muzzleloaders and Mosin Nagants and leave happy instead of taking a crowbar to the safe.


Hangin' around here sure doesn't help.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Saturday, June 14, 2014, 10:09 (3757 days ago) @ Charles

I have read about more interesting/historical/fun/cool stuff here than anywhere else. You guys are a bad influence. I'm just a victim. :-P

It is amazing...

by Murphy @, Saturday, June 14, 2014, 13:00 (3757 days ago) @ Charles

Long ago, I scoffed when I read these words in an old magazine article.

"All a fella needs in the way of self defense handguns, are a good 1911 and a 5 shot .38 Special S&W J frame".

Of course he forgot a good .22 LR for squirrles and such.

Had I heeded those words long ago, no telling how many 1,000's of dollars I would have saved over the decades. But all in all, I can't say I've regretted owning/swappin'/selling all the guns I've owned at some point in time.

And of course there is the need vs 'want' argument. I need's my truck gun, my woods stompin' gun, my creek gun (don't care if I do fall outta the boat wearing this one, thats why I bought it, never mind I ain't been in a boat in decades).

Hoot is right. Hang around here long enough, and someone will help you finally justify why you really do need that mini 5 shot .22 Short. Or, yep...gotta have me one of them S&W 500 Mangle Em's.

Hey, there are worse addictions right? I mean look at golf, a perfect waist of land that would have made an awesome gun range.


It is amazing...

by Charles, Saturday, June 14, 2014, 16:32 (3757 days ago) @ Murphy

In the late 70's, I spent four years in South America. I sold all my handguns except two, A PPK (380) I left with a friend and a Colt 22 Huntsman I took with me. I sold the Colt down here.

I had lots of time to contemplate what I needed, not wanted in hanguns. Upon my return to the states, I made a bee line for Carter Country in Houston and bought a stainless steel Smith and Wesson 22 Kit Gun. Six months later I bought a 6" Model 28 Smith and Wesson. Really and truly, those two were all I ever needed.

But the Gottohaveit bug got his stinger in my and the collection expanded until the fever broke.

Today I shoot most 38 Specials, 45 ACP with a smattering of 45 Colt loads thrown in. Oh yes, and some 22 LRS, when they can be found.

The 'up side' of hanging around?

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Wednesday, June 18, 2014, 07:33 (3753 days ago) @ Murphy

I got a pretty nice pile of cool guns!

The gottohaveit bug...

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Saturday, June 14, 2014, 18:19 (3757 days ago) @ Charles

Same here. Have enough six guns I can never decide which ones to take shooting. The only new ones the past few years are semi autos. I buy one then sell it for another model looking for the one I like. I do not consider them in the same way as my six guns. They are just a tool to me.



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