Thank you

by Br. Codd @, Sunday, March 04, 2012, 13:19 (4595 days ago) @ brionic

Thank you, each of you. I appreciate your compassion and strength.

We are upside down now, and obviously, every thing in our lives has changed dramatically in the past 48 hours.

The cancer has been tentatively identified as hepatoblastoma, via blood markers and imaging The good news is that it appears to be curable, after resection of the mass and then six months of chemo. A substantial portion of his liver will be removed, with the hope that it will regenerate.

Our best information is that survival rates of children treated this way are high. We are hopeful. But knowing what he will endure in the next year breaks my heart, and I am concerned for the physical and emotional well being of his brothers and mother.

I thank you all for your thoughts and prayers; they have eased some of the aching.


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