I have one - it is one of my regular carry guns

by cubrock, Sunday, June 08, 2014, 13:10 (3763 days ago) @ rob

Mine is very accurate and easy to shoot. My first time out with it I kept all shots in one ragged hole with my carry ammo at 7 yards and it shot almost dead on for point of aim. That same day, I took it through a shoot house on a PD range and the officer I was with and I were both able to score near 100% shots on steel popper targets with it after the second run through with instinctive shooting. It pointed extremely well for both of us. Recoil is very manageable. It carries easily. It has not replaced my 1911 nor my J-frame for carry where I prefer those, but it is the first carry gun to be added to the permanent rotation in years.

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