Random thoughts

by Art @, Littleton, Colorado, Wednesday, June 04, 2014, 19:44 (3767 days ago)

I love my new mug. Great size with a great handel and made in America. Also, those Ruger Flat tops look good.

Bought a belt from Mr. Simply Rugged a few years ago and have worn it every day. Tried wearing another belt recently and it just felt terrible. Had to get back to my real man belt. It is just an unbelievable belt. Thank you Rob.

Was in Lander Wyoming last week and walked into the local gun store and found bricks of 22 L.R. on the counter. I have a good supply but I just can't help my self and bought a brick of American Eagle. My rifle loves it. I have family members I like to supply with ammo. I am seeing a slow revovery of rimfire ammo.


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