To me, no...

by rob @, Friday, May 30, 2014, 16:03 (3772 days ago) @ Charles

But suppose some young woman buys a first gun based on the "it's plastic so it kicks less" model. Or some husband or boyfriend tries to tell his wife/girlfriend "you need this, it's plastics so it kicks less". Having worked as a range officer and behind the counter in a large gun store I can tell you they habitually try to buy them either a pink Keltec that she CANT rack the slide on, or some other gun based on something they read but their ego is right in the way of getting her what she needs or wants and a knowledgeable person behind the counter is helpless trying to convince him what might just be best for her is the all steel or aluminum alloy .38 she doesn't want to put back in the cabinet. I'm just a stickler for facts. Prove it first or say it truthfully, as in "it feels like maybe the polymer frame absorbs some of the recoil". Facts are facts, regardless of what we think or know, but what we claim to present as fact should be properly established as such before we accept it as such. Maybe I nitpick too much:)

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