Stolen from the Ruger Forum

by Fowler, Monday, May 19, 2014, 08:06 (3783 days ago) @ Dave B

Naw the 480 Achilles is a whole different beast and headache, healed bullets and not being able to run anything very heavy in are big limitations in my opinion.

This gun is just taking that mid frame and making it everything it can be. I know a gentleman who has a 3 1/2" Mid frame Flat Top in 480 that Huntington made, dang fine packing pistol although you can make it get pretty rude pretty easily. But with the upper end of capability, running 425gr bullets at 1300fps without huge pressures is pretty impressive but then running something in the 350-385gr range at 850-1050 makes it pleanty powerful and yet enjoyable to shoot.

I think it would make a wonderful gun to shoot a lot and pack often in the back country.

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