My newest project...

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Saturday, May 17, 2014, 11:58 (3785 days ago)

Not as exciting as many, but something I can get a lot of use from!

While at the NRA show a few weeks back my buddy and I were discussing the need to get a decent air rifle for some back yard practice. I remembered I had an old RWS in a corner that a for worker had given me a few years back. It has a cocking safety that keeps it from snapping shut if you don't cock it all the way and let go of the lever. Apparently his boys forgot anoint that and tried to force it closed, bending and breaking the cocking rod. I looked it over and figured how I could fix it. Two long 10-32 machine screws and a section of 3/8" rod and I had at it. Cut the 3/8" to what seemed like a good length and drilled and tapped both ends. I cut the heads off of the 10-32 screws and put it all together. Amazingly enough it actually works!

It's an RWS Diana model 52 that is beat and rusty and has had the barrel cut down with a hacksaw, but it shoots!!

This was at 10 yards sitting on my back deck


That was shot with some daisy pellets that are probably 20-30 years old! I picked up some new Benjamin pellets today and for some reason it shot a little to the left. After a few scope adjustments, I got I pretty centered up


That's five shots at again, about ten yards.

Here's the poor old gal in all her rusty crusty glory!


It really looks worse in person. I need to work on cleaning it up some and may touch up the crown, but with how it's shooting, it's hard to mess with it!! It's really nice to be able to step out on the ba k porch and shoot a few rounds whenever I want to. I think it actually kicks more and it's definitely louder than my Savage .22 with my Gemtech on it, but its also legal to shoot the air rifle in the back yard!!

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