Faith based training....

by uncowboy, Friday, May 16, 2014, 18:17 (3786 days ago) @ Byron

Having traveled down this road myself many moons ago My .02 is that your kids will excel or fail strictly on the talent of the instructors. I have seen some that were great teachers and some that were on a power trip taking there belts as a participation award . I am sure it is the same in every sport.
That being said I could smack around my best friend better than anyone else. He excelled in Ti Kwon Do and took to it like duck to water. I would spar with him and after he had 2 years of instruction if I could just touch him in a sparing session I considered it a victory. He would bat me around in rapid succession despite my skill. It changed my approach to confrontations but he defiantly made it work for him. The instructors are the key. Sit in on a few classes and make sure you want these men teaching your kids. J.Michael

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