Take a look at this...my nephew in law is no slouch.....

by John Meeker @, United States, Friday, May 16, 2014, 16:53 (3786 days ago) @ rob

in his league .... we have hashed this subject over, and discussed article in which a cross hair scope was found to be the fastest of all 'pick-ups' for the average shooter, as against dots, peeps, and opens.

"""Finally got the Nikon Monarch 1-4x. It works great, at 1x its almost as fast as a red dot and the front sight is not in the way. At 4x the front sight disappears completely. Now its time to try it out at some matches."""

I am thinking along the same lines, having good fold down irons, but not happy with red-dots,not even the Vortex I had [very good scope, but 'too much informnation'.


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