OK Gunner, don't laugh, here it is....

by pokynojoe, Sunday, May 04, 2014, 14:48 (3798 days ago)

I had to change to plan B. I just couldn't deal with those two screw things. So...my neighbor wandered over the other day and he's a machinist so he took the knife and drilled two small holes in the tang, then he gave me some brass pins he made out of some rod he had laying around. I didn't like the way it looked, so I mixed a bunch of the black dust from all the sanding and filing, with some glue and filled in the little holes, you can't hardly tell if there's any pins in or not!

Anyways, I think I'm gonna be able to hold onto this a lot better now, and that was the "plan".

Here's the before:


And (promise not to laugh now) here's the after:


By the way, amazingly, after dropping them umpteen times, I still have those two screw things, so if you want them, I'd be happy to mail them to you, just email me your address. I'm pretty sure, I'm not ever going to do something like this again.

Now all I need is a good bird knife, something like this would be good only much smaller with a thinner blade.

Thanks for all your help!


PS: I only sliced myself once.

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