Some things should be patently obvious...

by pokynojoe, Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 11:19 (3802 days ago) @ Gunner

live and learn, or so they say.

I learned a few more things last night. This is going to be a litte more involved than I thought(aren't most things?).

First off the two screw things I ordered, not sure they're going to work. I'm going to have to figure out a way to cut the bushing(?) that the little screws screw into to match the width of the tang. Once I do that, there ain't going to be much left to screw into.

Second; those screw things are tiny and very hard to find when one drops them on the garage floor(especially MY garage floor!).

Third; if I don't loose them before this project is over, I'll be amazed. I spent more time last night bleeding and searching for dropped screws than actually working on the knife. I don't think my fingers have the dexterity to work with such miniscule parts.

Fourth; I see now why custom knifes cost so much.

Lastly, I fear that this project will turn out just like others of this ilk that I've attempted in the past, and that is generally they turn out so bad, hell wouldn't have them.

I have aspired to be like my Pop my whole life. He could fix anything and make just about anything, the guy was a real McGuyver. Sadly, after 60 some years, I think it's finally time to face facts, and accept the fact that I didn't inherit that gene.

I will continue to persevere, however, my expectations have been lowered to the least common denominator, which is my compentency, or lack thereof.

Thanks again for your help.


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