if you go back in history...

by bj2, Friday, April 25, 2014, 14:27 (3807 days ago) @ ~JM~

When I became old enough to buy my own guns things like the .30Herrett were the hot thing in Contenders. Well shortly after that I got involved in IHMSA and it was popular to open up the neck of a .223 case to .30 and shoot it out of a rebarrelled Remington XP100, that way you didn't have to mess with the bolt. A similar cartridge called the 7TCU came out in Contenders. So now 30+ years in the future, .30 cartridges based on the .223 case head diameter seem to be big news.

I have nothing against the cartridges and I think they are good options for AR platforms, again so you don't have to change bolt faces.

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