
by John K., Thursday, April 17, 2014, 12:14 (3816 days ago) @ Brian A

Going through all of my powder stock today. Found more that were questionable, but not like this - they will be discarded. Any nearby metal bits had varying degrees of corrosion.

Talked to someone this AM that had dumped some old powder out and saved it for garden fertilizer in an open pan. It spontaneously combusted months later; he was quite lucky to be nearby when it ignited as he heard the roaring noise and was able to extinguish the fire before it ignited the structure.

Had to research this, as I had never heard of spontaneous combustion of smokeless powder. It is true and well documented. The heat from decomposition can cause it to ignite. That was a dangerous hole in my knowledge base so passing it along for anyone else that might be ignorant on that point.

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