Why Hoot

by Dave B @, Alamogordo New Mexico, Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 12:26 (3817 days ago) @ Hoot

I have known Dan and Tina for about 12 years now. That is the exact bullet I have been shooting, and the main reason I ordered a mold just like it. His way 360 grains lubed and checked, the mold maker says the one I am getting will weigh in at a light 350 grains. Dan is a master caster, and he is who got me started in the dark art of bullet casting. I shot several of his guns, and shot a couple thousand of his bullets when we both lived in Alaska. His son Daniel Jr is living in Texas now. It sure is a small world amongst the cast bullet shooters. Now, you are shooting the 300 grainers at 2500, I am thinking that is where I want to be, rifle is a tack driver with a 300 at 2650, but I don't think an animal will miss 150fps if I can get them to shoot accurately at that speed. The short neck on the Ruger means it shouldn't shoot cast very well, but even with .3" of bullet sticking into the powder chamber, I have shot some very impressive groups with Dan's bullets, and they were very pleasant to shoot.


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