Bid on a Rem 760 in 300 Savage

by Gary G, Sunday, April 13, 2014, 10:17 (3820 days ago) @ Dave B
edited by Gary G, Sunday, April 13, 2014, 21:50

Saw a few older guys hunting with them when I got out of high school and started hunting on my own. And thought they were cheap pieces of ____. But those guys were absolutely deadly with them. ( Driven game style Deer Club...Very popular in the South East) As I have gotten older and maybe a little wiser I developed a appreciation for the 760 and wanted to hunt with one at some point...As fate would have it I went thru a gun phase change and decided to find one. Bought a beat up 30-06 7600 last year. Had some trigger work at some point, but the darn old thing with throw 5 rounds into a quarter on a good day.
All the younger guys look at it and roll their eyes and we have a few high finance gun guys that come as guest a few times a year..I watched them kind of turning there noses up when they saw it until they saw the old Zeiss scope sitting on the top of gun. But so far it has accounted for four running coyotes and three running white tail ,one at a fair distant. Couple of the boys have asked since "what did you say the thing was again."
Sorry you missed out on the 300 savage. But a grand old design it has turned out to be.

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