What do you all do?

by Murphy @, Saturday, April 12, 2014, 10:33 (3821 days ago) @ Art

I never fathered any children (by choice) and my 1st wife had 2 teenage sons when we married. I live in a small, rural town where pretty much every young man learns about guns. My 2nd wife had 2 adult children when we married. So for all intent and purpose I've lived a 'child free' life.

However, there were friends and family with small ones who would come to visit. It may be a short 1 hour visit, or it could be for a day or two. I didn't feel comfortable not having a loaded firearm I could take up in a hurry if the need arose. My solution was pretty simple. A small sliding latch/lock was placed as high as I could easily (and quickly) reach at the top of the door/closet where I would have a firearm spirted away.

I have to laugh as I just remembered my current wife had an aunt who hated firearms, all of them. She stated she simply refused to spend the night in a house where there was a firearm. She lived out of state and was coming for a 5 day stay with us. When my wife told me about the firearm issue, my reply was simple. "We don't have to tell her about them, or you can tell her about them. But who's gonna foot the motel bill for her?". She never knew a thing.... :-)


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