Just got home from hearing Allen West speak!

by Otony, Sunday, April 06, 2014, 18:24 (3826 days ago)
edited by Otony, Sunday, April 06, 2014, 18:43

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but a friend invited us to this event a month or two back, and when he told me who was speaking my old, deaf ears didn't catch the name. I said something intelligent along the lines of "who?" to which he responded by explaining the speaker was a retired Lt. Colonel, and a conservative, blah, blah, blah.

I trust my friend's judgement deeply, so I agreed to go without ever really knowing who was speaking. I somehow came up with a preconceived notion of an older Army vet, maybe from the Vietnam era, but no clear idea.

Imagine my surprise when I see Allen West walking through the crowd.

Imagine my mortification when I momentarily thought "Wow, even Allen West is here to see this guy!"

Okay, it was only for a few seconds, but yes, I did think that.

West was warm, approachable, very social, and undoubtedly one of the best speakers I've ever had the privilege to attend to. He destroyed the Democratic Party in a few, well spoken paragraphs. He captured the attention of the 450 people present easily and thoroughly. His presentation was perfect, and a motivational delight.

There may be more polished speakers, or more philosophical, but I doubt you will find many as passionate about our country, our constitution, or our future. Should you ever have the opportunity, you owe it to yourself to hear him. You will be glad you did.


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